Scientific Communication Services
Author Services
- Data analysis
- Manuscript or grant organization and pitch
- Analysis of strengths and weaknesses
- Editing manuscripts, grants, research summaries, press releases
- and more….
Scientific Consulting
- Grant portfolio analysis
- Survey development and analysis
- Scientific analysis, reporting, and writing for internal and external use
- and more…
Consulting for Publishers
- Professional editorial services
- Journal, submission, and reviewer site testing
- Project management
- Custom presentations
- Training for editors
- and more…
Illustration and Visualization Services
- Visual abstracts
- Graphical abstracts
- Scientific illustrations
- and more…
Career and Editorial Training
- Scientific communication presentations and workshops
- Communication careers for scientists
- Training for editorial boards and staff editors
- Learning the scholarly publishing process
- and more…
Comments from authors
Comments about presentations and workshops
Press release
Selected published papers
Outlines of presentations and workshops
Video snippet from “Demystifying Peer Review”
Visual Abstracts
Publishers and Journals
Universities and Institutes
All editing and consulting services are provided by Nancy R. Gough, a career scientist with a Ph.D. in Pharmacology, 7 years of postgraduate research and teaching experience, and more than 18 years of professional editing experience. Figure compilation and scientific illustrations are provided by Heather McDonald, a certified scientific illustrator with a Ph.D. in Cell and Developmental Biology.