Signal or Nutrient: Breast Milk Lipids in Macrophages


A recent article identified a role for alkylglycerol (AKG)-type ether lipids in human breast milk in the regulation of the development of fat tissue in nursing babies (Figure 1). Intriguingly, the lipids affected tissue-resident macrophages in the fat tissue, adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs), not the adipose cells themselves. Using mice, Yu and colleagaues showed that … Read more

Worth a Closer Look: May 2019


A list of papers published in May 2019 that piqued my interest

Worth a Closer Look: March 2019


The following papers piqued my interest this week. Hopefully, I will have time to take a closer look at them all and decide which ones warrant a thumbs up and which ones a thumbs down. Some I found through my Biomed News search of the proteomics and disease list, some through social media, and some … Read more

The mTOR-Dependent Translatome in Growing Nerves and Injured Axons


Neurons have a distinct shape. The long processes for sending a signal (the axon) and for receiving signals (dendrites) are often far away from the cell body (soma) containing the nucleus. Thus, neurons have sophisticated systems for transporting messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and proteins involved in protein synthesis to these cellular processes for locally regulated protein … Read more