Antibiotic Treatment Reshapes the Vaginal Microbiome


The microbes that live in the vagina constitute to the vaginal microbiome (or microbiota). New research from the lab of Jacques Ravel at the University of Maryland shows that Chlamydia infection is associated with a different composition of the vaginal microbiome compared with the microbiome of healthy patients. Additionally, the vaginal microbiome of the patients … Read more

Worth a Closer Look: May 2019


A list of papers published in May 2019 that piqued my interest

Worth a Closer Look: April 2019


As I was selecting the articles related to proteomics and disease, I kept a running list of those that piqued my interest. These range in topic and are not all related to proteomics. Most are related to medicine or human disease. Hopefully, I will have time to take a closer look at them all and … Read more

Worth a Closer Look: March 2019


The following papers piqued my interest this week. Hopefully, I will have time to take a closer look at them all and decide which ones warrant a thumbs up and which ones a thumbs down. Some I found through my Biomed News search of the proteomics and disease list, some through social media, and some … Read more