Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuron



A unipolar neuron, like a sensory neuron, has a cell body outside the spinal cord in a structure called the dorsal root ganglion. These neurons are well suited for studying nerve injury and regeneration because the axons can be injured in the periphery, the response at the cell body can be studied independently from the responses in the periphery and those in the spinal cord. Nerve survival can be easily assessed from the part of the nerve in the spinal cord. The neuron illustration taken from an illustration by BruceBlaus [; CC BY-SA 4.0 (]. The labeled version is by Nancy R. Gough, BioSerendipity.
Read more: N. R. Gough, The mTOR-Dependent Translatome in Growing Nerves and Injured Axons. BioSerendipity (18 February 2019)
