BDNF Guided Photoablation Therapy



A diagram of the use of BDNF-SNAP-IR700 as a optopharmacological reagent for photoablation therapy of TrkB-specific neurons. The first part shows the injection of BDNF-SNAP-IR700 at the site of the neuropathic pain. The second part shows the illumination of the area with 680 nm light at the neurons with BDNF-SNAP-IR700 bound to the TrkB receptor. The final part shows the retraction of two kinds of neurons from the skin: D-hair and RAM neurons that mediate light touch responses. This diagram is from Figure 5b of Dhandapani, et al. Nat. Comm. 9, 1640 (2018) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04049-3.
Read more
N. R. Gough, Zapping Chronic Pain with Red Light. BioSerendipity (26 April 2018).
